Why might my child (or I) benefit from having an evaluation?
Does/Did your child (or you):
Avoid reading or was slow to learn to read?
Speak later than peers?
Make consistent errors in reading and spelling?
Make consistent errors in math/understanding math concepts or word problems?
Not fulfill his/her potential in school/on the job?
Appear clumsy or has awkward motor skills?
Sometimes is inappropriate or insensitive in social situations?
Avoid going to school/work?
Struggle to:
Learn new skills?
Complete timed tasks?
Focus or concentrate?
Find the right word when having a conversation?
Organize things at home and/or school?
Complete writing tasks?
Remember what was just said or read?
Understand what was just said or read?
Follow oral or written directions, especially multi-step directions?
Think abstractly or analyze?